Message #749

Date: Dec 11 2000 05:40:37 EST
From: Frank Stutzman <>
Subject: Flybaby Archive

Ed sent out a note a few weeks ago about how listbot was going to trash
our archive.  In that note he said he had been told by the listbot rep
that there was no way of batch downloading the archive.  Knowing this to
be bunk, I've spent the past few evenings proving it so.

I've currently have the entire flybaby archive (up to message #742)
downloaded.  I've gone through it and cleaned it up (removed the various
listbot advertisements, some extraneous HTML).  I probaby need to put some
sort of an index on it and make the naviation easier, but the basic data
is secure and relatively clean.

My question is what do I do with it?  I could put it on my web site, but
its hardly a hot-bed of flybaby activity (much like my shop,
sigh).  Suggestions?

Frank Stutzman