Hi Jean-Pierre:
That's a good approach, but I've already built the router jig which I think
works just as good, if not better.
Of course in hindsight, after using T-88 epoxy for some of the frame work,
one could reason that the scarf joint needs not be perfect to yield a good
bond when using T-88 vs. Resorsinol or other glues. As a matter of fact,
one may end up with a dry glue joint if the surfaces are "too perfect."
Another idea would be to use a wider backing plate as Steve Langford did,
or add gussets in between the uprights and diagonals (as I plan to do) to
further extend the gluing area behind the skins.
I wouldn't be surprised if the T-88 allowed one to get away with just a
butt joint backed with a 3- or 4-inch backing plate. I'm not suggesting
anyone do this, but rather thinking out loud.
Luis Hernandez Jr.
Payne Corporation
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