> From: Ron Wanttaja [mailto:ikvamar@gte.net]
> Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 3:27 AM
> The best option would probably be to adjust the stabilizer so that the
> plane is trimmed out. One bolt on each side holds the forward "C"
> brackets to the fuselage. The location of the hole for this bolt
> adjusts the stabilizer incidence.
...which begs a question that's been on my mind for some time now.
Once that hole is drilled, how is it possible to adjust the incidence?
If it's not quite right, then what's the option?
I'm asking this because I think I have a variation of that problem. I've not
looked at this in some time. However, I'm pretty sure that I have a slight
discrepency between the holes for that bolt on my left and right stabs. It
*seems* like my only move is to fill that hole really solidly and then drill
it again.
...which just begs the question again.
I've not thought *real* hard about it, but it has occurred to me that there
ought to be a way to modify that part of the design in order to bring real,
genuine adjustment to the stabilizer. I just don't know how to work it out,
> There are alternatives to the ugly tab, but I hesitate to add stuff to
> the control linkages and cables themselves. The neatest trim solutions
> I've seen put wedges at the trailing edge...nothing sticks out beyond
> the surface, but there's just an inconspicuous wedge mounted low on the
> surface. The only trouble is, it's hard to adjust.
I'm not going to dig it out right now, but in the Fly Baby Bulletin there is
an idea for a Bowdens cable gag running aft to a modified elevator with a trim
tab, that always intrigued me. When I first saw it, I thought it was a great
Billy (blowing-off my PPL checkride today because I've not slept right, and
feeling like I'm one step into an accident chain already)
VRWC Fronteer