Still got it. First $500 takes it, plus shipping and crating if that is
necessary. That's probably what the materials cost.
On Sun, 28 May 2000, Ron Wanttaja wrote:
> FlyBaby
> Rick Webb wrote:
> >
> > FlyBaby
> >
> > This is the ad that will be going up on Barnstormers, AOPA and EAA's web
> > site classifieds today. I will be sending this to Ron for posting as well.
> > Thanks to all of you for your help and support through this and I one day
> > hope to be back. Wish it could have turned out different.
> Hey, waitaminute...I was just going through my Fly Baby page in view of
> an update, and I noticed Dave Munday has a fuselage for sale. Still got
> that, Dave?
> (As far as the page update, it's pretty minor. No new pictures or
> anything).
> Ron Wanttaja
David E. Munday E-mail:
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Web:
521 CRMS Building Voice: +1 (606) 257-3263
University of Kentucky FAX: +1 (606) 257-3304
Lexington, KY 40506-0108 Office: 202 D. V. Terrell Bldg.