hello all, I have successfully hand proped my O-200 5 times!
After the sprag went out in the starter I had no choice!
Removed all plug wires (piece-of-mind)
and started proping the engine --about 50 times!
Man, am I sore!
When I was satisfied that I was getting all of my body parts out of the
way, I reconnected the plug wires, primed it ---turned it over a couple
of times and then turned on the mags.
Heart pounding!---wait a minute ---
no change in blood pressure----- what if it kicks back!----OK, here I
go!--- nothing---nothing again ---switch off ---prime again----rotate
prop-- switch on --ker-tink-pop --- almost-- one more time --it
starts!! --- I almost fell back on my A--
After the warm-up I shut it off and successfully started it 4 more
Well I think I've got hand proping nearly licked!
Now, If I can get the right carb I can go back to the covering.