Message #419

Date: Mar 31 2000 15:47:51 EST
From: (stephen langford)
Subject: Re: Replicraft Axles

Mat, I have already thought of rotating the assembly so that the V's
will line up with the fuse, but it looks like there will not be enough
metal for a strong support, so I tried to remove the plates with a
Dremmel. No luck there, just ate up the diamond bits. Hard weld!
So I made 4 more Support plates.
Just finished them up. Worked all night on them. I will remove much of
the old plates with a Saws-all and finish with a side grinder. Then-- I
will mount the plates on the V's, which have been mounted on the fuse,
and slide the axle tube thru- the new plates- line up properly, and tack
weld--- Remove from the V's and finish welding. 
Sorry to hear that you had the same problem matt. Is there any one else
out there that has one of these axles?
