Hey guys,
Can I jump in here and show my ignorance. I've wondered about the "clean"
wing design for a Baby for years. Since I'm not an engineer, I've questioned
lots of folks about the possibilities for designing either a bolt on
arrangement with a beefy center section, or a carry-through spar design. Tom
Rhode's book, "Stress Without Tears" is crammed with great information for
basic design requirements---and from what I read therein seemed to suggest a
box-spar with carry through. Now, having said that, two problems come to
mind: Changing the airfoil to accomodate the larger spar, and room for the
spar carry-through inside the cockpit.
The little "Warbird" homebuilts have the spar through the cockpit, and
it's an uncomfortable squeeze with the pilot's knees riding over the spar.
The Warner Revolution is a super little airplane, and I'm looking forward to
seeing the larger sport model currently in the works. They, of course, have
the cantilever wing, but I don't know if it's a tube or box spar design.
And, being a tandem job, maybe the spars pass through at a more desireable
location. Whatever---the more I search and dream and wonder and plan...I
still keep coming back to the original idea of Mr. Bower's pure simplicity.
Beef up the flying wires to 5/32, and plate thickness to .125", make sure
you've got the spar carry-through strap...and I really think you've got a
safe little putt-putt airplane. Ron, I agree with you...that sound of the
wires is hard to forget. Isn't it just like a bunch of airplane nuts to keep
trying to change a great design? Hey, I'm including myself here.
The best part about the upcoming flying season is that it gets us back in
the air, and out of the hangar where we keep trying to foul up our little
All the Best!
Dave Koseruba