On Tue, 25 Jan 2000 lindo@Radix.Net wrote:
> It naturally needs a larger engine. It will fly with 65-85 but Dave really
> stresses the bigger engine. He did all his numbers around a 125hp 0-290.
> I’m looking at both aircraft as well as auto conversion power plants. I
> really like the idea of an inline such as a CAM 125 or the Walter. There’s
> a RV-3 flying with a Walter and the numbers are very good not to mention
> how neat it looks.
I have been thinking along the same lines. I've read what Bowers has
said about two holers and I think I may be taking Dave's design and
incorporating a center section with Ryan STM style landing gear. Late at
night, when the Walter Mitty mood really strikes, I even put in hard
points on the wings.
I have also been noodingly around with using the CAM 125. I like it
better than the Walter (LOM?) as it isn't nearly so long (further
complicating the balance). Its fuel consumption is (according to
the maker) better a normal aircraft engine and so you might be able
to get by with a smaller fuel tank. I had considered putting fuel
into my center section, but it complicated things WAY too much.
Alas, I have to wait for my shop assistant to get out diapers before
I can seriously consider starting. Probably a bad thing as I keep
comming up with more wacko ideas.
Frank Stutzman
Hood River, OR