Message #243

Date: Jan 01 2000 17:07:33 EST
From: Ron Wanttaja <>
Subject: Re: Tail Spring-E4340

stephen langford wrote:

> I also had Steve, at REPLICRAFT, (who is making all the hardware) make
> up the wing wire anchor plates  from 1.25" 4130.

Hmmm... thicker wing anchors are probably a good idea but an inch and a
quarter thick is probably overkill.  Or did you mean .125"? :-)

>  Do you know of anyone who has successfully mounted the 5X500  Cleveland
> wheel and brake assemblys to the FB axle?

Ughh, that's a small tire size.  The tire is the only shock absorber
you've got and those little Cessna 150 tires are pretty small.  I assume
you already had the wheels...otherwise, I'd go with a 6 x 600 instead. 
With that size, tires go all the way up to 800 x 6, which is pretty
close to the 800 x 4 Cub wheel.

Ron Wanttaja