Message #224

Date: Dec 26 1999 13:18:57 EST
From: David Munday <>
Subject: Re: Howdy

On Sun, 26 Dec 1999, John Bullens wrote:

> FlyBaby
> Hi Dave, just looking for your email address and finally found it I 
> think..
> Hey, how about putting a link from your web site to mine.. I already 
> have you on my flybaby page.
> The tandem baby I bought is at the cowling stage.  I'm trying to finish 
> an almost flying Varieze 0-200, and then get on the baby. I have 2
> months of work to finish it to flying stage again. I've registered her
> as N5002.  Give me an update on your progress.  What do you think of 
> the paint scheme I used on N1896 on my web site?  Thinking of putting
> the same scheme on the two place baby.  Give me your thoughts on the
> subject.  

I'll put up a link when I sit down to fix up all the broken links sometime
this christmas break.

I stopped by your field a few months ago, saw your single-place, but
couldn't find hide-nor-hair of you.  That's an interesting runway.  In one
way and out the other.

Are you building the Long-EZ for yourself or is it one you are fixing up
to sell?  I know a guy who built an EZ, lost it in a divorce, and is
thinking about buying a complete one.

My project is dead-stop at present.  I was hoping to work on it over
winter break, but I have research that is way behind, and I'm supposed to
give a paper 12 January so I'm too busy with that.

David E. Munday                   E-mail:
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering   Web:
521 CRMS Building                 Voice: +1 (606) 257-3263
University of Kentucky            FAX:   +1 (606) 257-3304
Lexington, KY 40506-0108          Office: 202 D. V. Terrell Bldg.