stephen langford wrote:
> I tryed some close-grained fir for the first attempt at dry bending.
> Te strips seemed to crack close to the radious each time I tryed to bend
> them dry.
> So.... soak about a foot of the ends that will make the tight outboard
> bends, in water overnight.
> Next day, clamp them up in the nail jig and let them dry a couple of
> days.
> When they are completely dry (you may have to re-assemble them in the
> clamping device if they are not completely dry)
> When comepletely dry, lay the strips out and coat them with T-88 or
> whatever glue that you are using. If using T-88 and hard to spread, add
> a "very small" amount of acetone to thin.
> When you have thim covered, stack them and re-clamp in the nailing
> fixture.
> The next day you can remove the bow from the clamps.
Hey, Steve, I'm much "springback" do you see with this
process? Normally, just clamping the wood will form it, but it'll
spring back a bit when unclamped. I'm wondering if gluing them and
clamping them back in the fixture to bond eliminates the springback.
Ron Wanttaja
Seattle WA