Message #170

Date: Dec 12 1999 21:42:57 EST
From: Jill Rosenkrantz <>
Subject: Re: Rudder/ Elevator bows--Spruce?

A very effective method, long used in the marine industry is "Steam bending".
While it sounds difficult, there is a very simple method, easily adapted for
homebuilders. Get a length of 4" PVC pipe and two end caps. Drill small (1/8")
holes at one end, and drill and tap the
other for a push on brass 1/4" hose nipple. Connect this via a piece of hose to
a similar fitting you can adapt up to an old tea kettle (or something similar)
and you now have your complete steam box. Suggest that you start with only one
or two pieces inserted in the tube
at one time. Soak the wood to be steamed in a mixture of 50% water and 50%
Sudsy Ammonia. Do not use regular Ammonia. Be sure to lay the tube
horizontally, and allow the steam to enter and exit for about 25 -30 minutes.
Be certain to ventilate the area well. Your Oak, or
other woods, will now be quite pliable, and easy to place in a jig for
bending/glueing. Alphatic resin glues are best used here, and will work well ,
even with the damp wood, provided that they are not "drenched". I have used
this method numerous times - it works!
Irv Furman

stephen langford wrote:

> FlyBaby
> Mike,
> Where are you and your FB proj. located?
> Steve