Message #168

Date: Dec 12 1999 19:15:15 EST
From: (stephen langford)
Subject: Re: Rudder/ Elevator bows--Spruce?

I tryed some close-grained fir for the first attempt at dry bending.
Te strips seemed to crack close to the radious each time I tryed to bend
them dry. 
So.... soak about a foot of the ends that will make the tight outboard
bends, in water overnight.
Next day, clamp them up in the nail jig and let them dry a couple of
When they are completely dry (you may have to re-assemble them in the
clamping device if they are not completely dry)
When comepletely dry, lay the strips out and coat them with T-88 or
whatever glue that you are using. If using T-88 and hard to spread, add
a "very small" amount of acetone to thin.
When you have thim covered, stack them and re-clamp in the nailing
The next day you can remove the bow from the clamps.
I purchaced a electric hand planer for the job of shaping the TE. 
Before using the planer on the wood, remove any buildup of epoxy with a
belt sander.
This worked well for me!
