Hi, Gang... on the last update to my web page, I decided to organize the
"Builders" section. I've now got everyone clumped by state or province,
the better to assist new builders.
Some of you, though, I don't have geographic locations for. Check the
page, and if if you're listed in the "People I don't have locations
for:" section, please email me with your state or province.
I'd appreciate it if you emailed me at my "official" Fly Baby address:
mailto: wanttaja@halcyon.com
...because I keep the to-add files there.
As ever, too, I'm open to suggestions for ways to improve the page.
BTW, just heard from person who recently purchased a two-seat Fly Baby.
I've asked for more information. It's side-by-side (relax, David :-)
with a canopy, and I suspect it's the one in the article reprinted in
the back of the plans.
Ron Wanttaja