Message #119

Date: Dec 07 1999 18:17:29 EST
From: John Bullens <>
Subject: Re: Fly Baby, Anyone building the tail feathers of the Baby?

Clip your longer ones off, another good tip.  If you are using T-88 epoxy to
glue your wood. (the only glue I will use), mix some with Alcohol to a thin
consistency to seal all bolt and nail holes. The Alcohol wicks into the wood
really good and drags the epoxy in with it. I use pipe cleaners to swab any

-----Original Message-----
From: stephen langford <>
To: FlyBaby <>
Date: December 07, 1999 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: Fly Baby, Anyone building the tail feathers of the Baby?


OK, I see now. I have a Dremmel with a chuck and 1/32" bit. That's how I
drilled the aluminum on the rear deck. Where can I buy some 1/4" X 20
cemented nails?
Aircraft spruce dosen't have them.