On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 05:28:10 -0800 (PST), Edward Nolan
<artsfoto@yahoo.com> wrote:
>Is there a "rule" for grain orientation when the
>length of the spruce (say 16' longeron) and the height
>and width of the piece are square? As glued to the
>fuselge side, should the grain run paralled to the
>side of the fuselage or can it be--relatively
>speaking-- perpendicular (obviously depending on the
>grain's slope)? Is their a strength difference
>between orientations? How about for vertical members
>that connect bottom and top longerons?
The stickler's answer is that the grain should run horizontally in
your longerons, but it doesn;t much matter. They are so far apart
that you can consider them in simple compression and tension rather
than as part of the overall bending load. Don't sweat it for
>Also, if plans call for a 16:1 scarf joint, does that
>mean that the scarf should be 16 X the thickness of
>the piece of wood? Example: 1/8" ply X 16 =index.html 2", so
>the overlap of the two pieces should reach back a full
>2" from the edge of each piece?
Yes 16 times thickness.
>Is there a good resource for general information such
>as this?
There is an EAA book on Wood airplanes that's pretty good. It's a
collection of magazine articles that have been published over the
years. Call them up and ask for the wood book, and I think they will
know which one.
>I know these are very basic questions, but I'm new to
>the game.
David E. Munday E-mail: munday@engr.uky.edu
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Web: http://www.engr.uky.edu/~munday
521 CRMS Building Voice: (606) 257-3263
University of Kentucky FAX: (606) 257-3304
Lexington, KY 40506-0108 Office: 202 D. V. Terrell Bldg.