-----Original Message-----
From: Wkoucky@aol.com <Wkoucky@aol.com>
To: FlyBaby@listbot.com <FlyBaby@listbot.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: Report
>My name is William Koucky. I am still building my Flybaby but I finally
>scored a great shop. Should be done by spring? Darrel where are you in NE
>Michigan? I live in Traverse City.
Hello William. I'm located directly west of you in a little town named
Mikado, just north of Oscoda. I've got relatives in TC so next time I'm
over that way I'll try to look you up. Same goes for you if you find
yourself in the "sunrise side". My phone number is 517-736-8264.
I was just about to send out a test msg because haven't had anything in
awhile. I flew mine yesterday morning for the second time and noticed that
the fabric on the wings wrinkles a bit outboard of the cable bracket attach
points. It's the same on both wings so I didn't think it was a problem,
however I'm surprised that those wings flex that much. My first time in a
low wing a/c so perhaps all fabric wings do that, dunno. Anybody else?
I also was able to get my right wing heaviness eliminated by some creative
turnbuckle tightening on the left wing. I just made the washouts match on
both sides. Question: How tight are the top cables supposed to be?
PS: I've got my own strip here on the farm so if you find yourself flying
this way feel free to drop in.